
The Applied Research Laboratory (LPA) was established in 2015 by the current coordinator, Professor Dr. Roderval Marcelino. The laboratory’s objective is to apply new computational technologies in an interdisciplinary manner, primarily in the areas of energy, agriculture, and mechanical processing. Over the years, several individuals have sought professional and scientific qualifications while working in the laboratory. Many undergraduate theses and master’s dissertations have been completed. Scientific projects have already been developed and can be viewed on this website. The laboratory is affiliated with the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) ( and is also connected to the undergraduate course in Computer Engineering ( and the graduate program in Information and Communication Technologies (PPGTIC) (

Pesquisadores Titulação máxima Data inclusão
Roderval Marcelino PhD 21/05/2015
Vilson Gruber PhD 21/05/2015
Giuliano Rampinelli PhD 13/06/2016
Estudantes Nível de Estudo Data inclusão
Gustavo Simões Mendonça Undergraduate 08/10/2022
Nícolas Cechinel Undergraduate 08/10/2022
 Iury Melo Américo Graduate student 01/10/2023
Etson Dos Santos Rodriguês  Graduate student 01/02/2025
Douglas Waltricke Graduate student 01/03/2020
Anderson Conti Soprano Graduate student 01/10/2023
Fernando Rodrigues Gabriel Graduate student 01/02/2025
Eduardo Vianna Undergraduate 01/02/2025