LPA launches a portal with 3 meteorological stations for access by the entire community

01/11/2023 12:06

The portal, https://clima360.lpa.ufsc.br/, with data from 3 meteorological stations in the cities of Araranguá, Santa Rosa do Sul, and Alpestre, was launched starting in November 2023. The first two are located in the state of Santa Catarina, and the last one in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The data is provided by professional meteorological stations, stored in a database, and reports can be generated from this data. The website is hosted on the LPA server and is available 24/7 to the entire community.

You can find a video tutorial on how to access the data and generate reports at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HkJ2kdf4yrSb8SsX2Q-mFVaxe-AZzdnq/view?usp=drive_link

Master’s defense

29/04/2021 09:16
In this month of April 2021 we had two master's defenses. Both happened remotely due to the restrictions of the pandemic.

1. Rodrigo Cesar Nunes Maciel. Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Irrigated Rice Culture Using Images
Aerials and Artificial Neural Networks.
2.Juliano Oliveira de Almeida. Methodology for technical and scientific evaluation of blockchain applications: a case study in the electricity sector



Article receives Best Paper award at international symposium

27/11/2020 09:42
The article "IoT Sensors Integrated with the Distributed Protocol IOTA / Tangle: Bosch XDK110 Use Case" received the second place award as best paper in X Brazilian Sumposium on Computing Systems Engineering. The event took place between November 23-27, 2020 remotely.
Award announcement link: https://sbesc.lisha.ufsc.br/sbesc2020/Home

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