Prof. Roderval is the new research coordinator for the Computer Engineering Department
Publicado em 05/05/2020 às 09:22 AM -
Master’s defense of academic Yuri Crotti
Publicado em 28/02/2020 às 03:27 PMOn March 28, 2020, academic Yuri Crotti defended his master’s dissertation whose title was: Impact of the use of new information and communication technologies on the quality of fruits preserved by a controlled atmosphere.
Master dissertation defended. The student Reginaldo José da Rosa defended on 10/31/2019 his dissertation with the title: Reverse Logistics Model based on Distributed Accounting – Blockchain.
Publicado em 01/11/2019 às 10:56 AM -
LPA participates in the dissemination of community projects
Publicado em 14/03/2019 às 10:32 AMOn March 13, 2019, students and professors from the Applied Research Laboratory (LPA) participated in the project sample event in the community.
Teachers and students publish book chapter on banana image processing
Publicado em 20/02/2019 às 06:33 PMWork done with image collection using drones and image processing became a book chapter this month (02/19).
https://www.atenaeditora.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/E-book-Ensaios-nas-Ci%C3%AAncias-Agr%C3%A1rias-e-Ambientais-4-1. pdf
Academic Ramon Venson defends master’s degree
Publicado em 06/12/2018 às 01:36 PMThe master’s student, Ramon Venson, defended this Wednesday, 05/12/18, his master’s degree with the postgraduate program in information and communication technologies (PPGTIC). Under the guidance of prof. Dr. Roderval Marcelino his master’s theme was: “Use of serious games in support of knowledge fixation in photovoltaic systems”. The work was approved and highly praised. The comission was composed by the professors Dra Eliane Pozzebon and Dr. Giuliano Arns Rampinelli.
Academic Iury Américo Melo supports TCC
Publicado em 20/11/2018 às 01:03 PMOn November 20, 18, the academic of the course of computer engineering and member of the LPA, Iury Américo Melo, defended his TCC whose title was: “DEVELOPMENT OF A SYSTEM OF ACQUISITION AND MONITORING OF DATA FOR CERAMIC PHOTOVOLTAIC COATINGS USING CDAQ AND LABVIEW “. The work was presented and approved with praise.
Project “Photovoltaic ceramic coatings” is cited in future TV channel program
Publicado em 24/07/2018 às 12:04 PMOn this last Saturday, July 21, 18, in the future channel in the morning, a report was presented that is part of the “energy trail” program where the project “photovoltaic ceramic tiles” was cited. In this program was talked about the energy bill. Among the various items in the account are the so-called ANEEL R & D programs. Among thousands of ANEEL R & D program project our project was selected to be cited as a reference.
The passage that quotes our project is in 11min and 50 sec more or less.
Besides mentioning the UFSC as executor of the project, the report also talks about the importance of the application of these resources in the national research.
Master’s degree egress student Arildo Antonio Sonego publishes an article along with supervisor and co-supervisor
Publicado em 03/07/2018 às 09:03 AM -
Academic publishes book as a result of researches
Publicado em 29/05/2018 às 01:59 PMThe book “Precision Agriculture” was published this week, 05/29/18, as a result of research conducted by the academic Braz da Silva Ferraz Filho along with Professors Roderval Marcelino and Airton Luiz Bortoluzzi.